Multireference perturbation theory with complete active space
self-consistent field (CASSCF) reference functions is applied to the
study of the valence π→π* excited states of
1,3-butadiene, 1,3,5-hexatriene, 1,3,5,7-octatetraene and
1,3,5,7,9-decapentaene. Our focus is put on determining the nature of
the two lowest-lying singlet excited states,
11Bu+ and
21Ag−, and their ordering. The
11Bu+ state is a singly excited state
with an ionic nature originating from HOMO → LUMO one-electron
transition while the covalent 21Ag−
state is the doubly excited state which comes mainly from
(HOMO)2→(LUMO)2 transition. The active
space and basis set effects are taken into account to estimate the
excitation energies of larger polyenes. For butadiene the
1Bu+ state is calculated to be slightly lower by
0.1 eV than the doubly excited 21Ag−
state at the ground state equilibrium geometry. For hexatriene our
calculations predict the two states to be virtually
degenerate. Octatetraene is the first polyene for which we predict
that the 21Ag− state is the lowest
excited singlet state at the ground state geometry. The present theory
also indicates that the 21Ag− state
lies clearly below the 11Bu+ state in
decapentaene with the energy gap of 0.4 eV. The 0–0 transition and the
emission energies are also calculated using the planar C2h
relaxed excited state geometries. The covalent
21Ag− state is much more sensitive to
the geometry variation than the ionic
11Bu+ state, which places the
21Ag− state significantly below the
11Bu+ state at the relaxed geometry.