Multiconfigurational second-order quasidegenerate perturbation theory
(MCQDPT) calculations were performed for the LaF+ molecule,
with one LaF2+ and four LaF+ Dirac-Fock-Roothaan
(DFR) spinor sets. The best spinor set was that of LaF2+,
which gave the lowest total energies and also the best excitation
energies for any state considered. The MCQDPT calculations with the
cation and neutral molecular spinors were also performed for LaF. The
MCQDPT with the cation spinors gave the lowest total energies for all
states under consideration, and the calculated excitation energies
compared best with experiment. We prefer the LaF+ spinor
set to those of LaF. These calculations indicate that the DFR spinor
set for the (n-1) electron system is adequate for treating the
molecular electronic system having n electrons.