Multireference perturbation theory with complete active space
self-consistent field (CASSCF) reference functions was applied to the
study of the valence and Rydberg excited states in the range of 5–8 eV
of five-membered ring compounds, cyclopentadiene, furan, and
pyrrole. The spectra of these molecules have been studied extensively
for many years but characterization is far from complete. The present
approach can describe ail kinds of excited states with the same
accuracy. The calculated transition energies are in good agreement
with corresponding experimental data. We were able to predict the
valence and Rydberg excited states with an accuracy of 0.27 eV or
better except for the B2+ of pyrrole. The
valence excited states of five-membered ring compounds were
interpreted in terms of the covalent minus states and ionic plus
states of the alternate symmetry. The unobserved 1A1 →
A1− transition with very weak intensity, which
is hidden under the strong 1A1 → B2+
transition, is also discussed. Overall, the present theory supports
the assignments recently made by Serrano-Andres et al. (1993) based
on the CASSCF plus second-order perturbation results. However, there
remain some discrepancies in the assignment of the spectrum of