The nature of chemical bonds on dynamic paths was investigated using
the complete active space valence-bond (CASVB) method and the
Born–Oppenheimer dynamics. To extract the chemical bond picture
during reactions, a scheme to collect contributions from several VB
(resonance) structures into a small numbers of indices was
introduced. In this scheme, a tree diagram for the VB structures is
constructed with the numbers of the ionic bonds treated as
generation. A pair of VB structures is related to each other if one VB
structure is transferred into the other by changing a covalent bond to
an ionic bond. The former and latter VB structures are named parent
and child structures, respectively. The weights of the bond pictures
are computed as the sum of the CASVB occupation numbers running from
the top generation to the bottom along the descent of the VB
structures. Thus, a number of CASVB occupation numbers are collected
into a small number of indices, and a clear bond picture may be
obtained from the CASVB wave function. The scheme was applied to the
hydrogen exchange reaction H2 + F → H + HF and the
Diels–Alder reaction C5H6
(cyclopentadiene) + CH2=CH2 (ethylene) →
C7H10 (norbornene). In both the reactions, the
scheme gave a clear picture for the Born–Oppenheimer dynamics
trajectories. The reconstruction of the bonds during reactions was
well described by following the temporal changes in weight.